What foods should I eat to lose weight

One of the most common asked questions when it comes to weight loss is, what foods should I eat to lose weight?

Well the answer is there are many foods that help you lose weight that many people use to eat; however now in these developed countries the processed foods are everywhere so it’s harder for people to avoid them. All these processed foods and fast foods contain so much extra calories with very little nutrients which makes people fat. The UK and USA are developed countries and have the largest population in obesity. It’s not entirely your faults as commercials and endorsements are everywhere, which makes it harder for many people to abstain because of their fast lives, responsibilities or what other reasons. Most people don’t realize their eating habits until they look in a mirror one day and think where did that come from.

To actually start losing weight you have to find the foods to avoid to lose weight, find the foods that increase metabolism naturally, and finally eat a large variety of negative calories in vegetables and fruits.

Foods to avoid to lose weight

Before going on diets to lose weight it is very important to first consult your doctor as any radical changes might affect you. Before discussing what foods shall I eat to lose weight, let’s talk about what foods to avoid to lose weight:

  1. Junk foods (chocolates, sweets, crisps)
  2. Alcoholic beverages (most people say red wines are good for you, but you should use it as a last resort.
  3. Process foods
  4. Fast foods
  5. Fried food
  6. Breads, rice, pasta
    All of these foods above are bad for you if you’re trying to lose weight. These foods contain a lot of calories but very little nutrients, and many of them have chemicals that put strain on your liver. The liver plays a very important part in weight loss, as it breaks down foods; however the whole process is slowed down when it has to separate the chemicals in the foods. Most people are surprised to see breads, rice and pasta, but these foods turn straight in to sugar once it hits the liver, and is stored as glucose if not burned off.  

    Increase metabolism naturally

    If you’re asking what foods shall I eat to lose weight, then increasing your metabolism is important. The metabolism is the rate your body burns calories, which means the higher it is the more calories it will burn. If you’re trying to lose weight the metabolism should be working at full blast all day long, for example if you want heat from a fire you have to consciously burn logs. But in this case you must eat and drink plenty of water to keep it burring calories. Below is a list of foods that will increase metabolism naturally:

    • Natural Yogurt
    • Green Tea
    • Beans
    • Spinach
    • Eggs
    • Rolled Oats
    • Vegetables
    • Whey Protein
    • Almonds
    • Peanut Butter
    • Canola Oil
    • Turkey
    • Chicken Breast
    • Berries
    • Extra Virgin Olive Oil
    • Coffee Water
    • Apples
    • Salmon
    • spices
    • Steak
    • Cayenne Pepper
    There are other ways of increasing metabolism naturally like:

    1. Resistance training
    2. Eating about 30g of protein from 30 minutes from walking up to kick start your metabolism.
    3. Eat about 6 small meals a day to keep your metabolism working continuously throughout the day.
    4. Drinking at least 8 glasses of water per day, this keeps your metabolism working and delivers food to your cells properly and all flushes out all your toxins.
    5. Changing your body temperature either hot or cool e.g. using sauna’s or steam rooms.

    Negative calories in vegetables and fruit

    What are negative calorie foods? They are foods that burn more calories than they are actually worth, simply by eating them. The name has a little deception about it as every food contains a certain amount of calories. However negative calorie foods have such low calories that when digesting them the body burns more calories than the food is worth; this is why they are called negative calorie foods.

    Most people go on these crazy 600 calorie diets a day, where they feel hungry, drowsy and look like they are undernourished. These types of diets are bad, as first of all you don’t feel good, secondly the weight you lose is just water and muscle, and not fat. These types of diets are no good for long term weight loss as a week or 2 after the diet the weight will come back.

    What vegetables should I eat to lose weight: Negative Calories in Vegetables

    • Asparagus

    • Beet Root

    • Broccoli

    • Cabbage

    • Carrot

    • Cauliflower

    • Celery

    • Chicory

    • Hot Chil

    • Cucumber

    • Papayas
    • Garden cress

    • Garlic

    • Green Beans

    • Endive

    • Lettuce

    • Onion

    • Radish

    • Spinach

    • Turnip

    • Zucchini

    What fruits should I eat to lose weight: Negative Calories in fruits

    • Blueberries

    • Cantaloup

    • Raspberry

    • Strawberry

    • Tomato

    • Tangerine

    • Lemon/Lime

    • Mango

    • Orange

    • Apple

    • Papaya

    • Peach

    • Pineapple

    • Turnip

    • Watermelon

    • Cranberry

    • Grapefruit

    • Honeydew

    If you add these foods into your diets and avoid they junk food you should see a change in weight loss and an over healthier feeling. These foods have such few calories but have a lot of nutrients and will keep you fuller for longer.

    Always check with a doctor before changing your dieting lifestyle!